Lisa & Paula and the Paris half marathon

Lisa and Paula are old friends and running buddies. They have run many races together, including the first Brighton marathon in 2010. Lisa carried on running, but Paula completely stopped! It's been a long time, but they are back on the road together!

Lisa and Paula

Amount Raised:

+ £332.53 Gift Aid
262 remaining days
Target: £900
67 Donations

From Brighton to Paris in 15 years

PAULA's story
To mark the 15 years since Lisa and I ran the Brighton marathon together and the 6th anniversary of my husband's spinal cord injury, we will be running the Paris half marathon in March 2025 and raising funds for BackUp. I have done very little exercise in the last 5-6 years and absolutely NO running. But the wonderful Lisa has agreed to help me train - I know I couldn't do it without her! 
For those of you who may not know, my husband Chris had a mountain bike accident in Feb 2019 that left him paralysed. Our lives changed that day, and it has been a difficult time for everyone. However, things are on the up, and we are beginning to get our lives back together. Although I am terrified at the enormity of this challenge, it's not as huge as the one Chris faced! I'm ready, it's time, I can do this!

LISA's story
I started running in 2009 after feeling very unfit, body conscious, and anxious. I had signed up for a 5k charity run in June of that year, so this was the time to start training. I did a warm-up in my living room and set off. At the first lamp post, I thought about calling a taxi to take me home, but I persevered and got around the block by walking and running. I needed help and motivation!
Paula was running 3 x per week, and she gave me lots of encouragement. I did the 5k and then signed up for a 10k - runner's high! We ran that together and made plans to run a half marathon before my 40th birthday - so in Feb 2010, we did! Then, shock and horror, Paula announced that Brighton was going to have its very own marathon and "it would be churlish not to," so we did that, too!
Paula turned me from a 5k runner to a marathon runner in just 13 months. Running has become a massive part of my life, and I am now a Running Fitness coach for my club.
I was very excited when Paula asked me to run with her in Paris and fundraise for BackUp, a charity that has offered much support and advice to Paula, Chris, and their family. You've got this!

Hannah L

£25.00 + £6.25 Gift Aid

Congratulations Lisa and Paula!

3/17/25, 8:44 AM

Helena W

£25.00 + £6.25 Gift Aid

Congratulations on your 21km tour de Paris!

3/16/25, 8:42 PM

Gordon Grey


Wishing you both all the best

3/14/25, 12:46 PM

John Austin

£20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid


3/11/25, 10:22 PM

Ruth F

£15.00 + £3.75 Gift Aid

What a fabulous achievement. Well done

3/11/25, 6:18 AM

Overall Fundraiser Leaderboard

Damian Riley
Damian's Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge£5,640+ £1,136.93 Gift Aid
Kadeem Pringle
Kyle Brindle’s - Backup trust page £3,820+ £642.08 Gift Aid
Lauren Milton
Edinburgh Half Marathon£3,789+ £839.73 Gift Aid
Harriet Willmott
Harriet's Fundraiser£1,225+ £256.23 Gift Aid
Clara McNeill